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临床试验中随机非常重要,有很多文章和书详细介绍随机方法(分层区组随机,动态随机等)以及如何实施,但是罕有介绍随机出错时怎么处理以及如何预防(比如,填错Baseline信息导致分错组,Study ID是1221的受试者被错误的分配了1212编号的药物等等)。




随机对照临床试验,FDA, EMA以及中国药监局都推荐遵循ITT原则。什么是ITT原则?请看ICH E9给出的定义:

The principle that asserts that the effect of a treatment policy can be best assessed by evaluating on the basis of the intention to treat a subject (i.e. the planned treatment regimen) rather than the actual treatment given. It has the consequence that subjects allocated to a treatment group should be followed up, assessed and analysed as members of that group irrespective of their compliance to the planned course of treatment.


  • 不管受试者实际上吃了哪个药到了哪个药物组,在分析时按照原计划分入哪个组来分析。例如,某受试者原计划分入A组吃A药,实际上错误的进入了B组吃了B药,那么分析时把这个人归原计划的A组。这样做有什么好处?假如A是试验药,B是安慰剂,试验目的是证明试验药优于安慰剂。那如果受试者原计划是分入试验药组实际服用了安慰剂,在分析时把受试者纳入原计划的试验药组,其实是拉低了试验药组的治疗效果;如果受试者原计划是分入安慰剂组实际服用了试验药,在分析时把受试者纳入原计划的安慰剂组,实际上是拉高了安慰剂组的治疗效果。那么,在这种情况下,如果最后的结果显示试验组疗效优于安慰剂组,那更能说明试验组优于安慰剂组。本质上而言,对于优效试验,ITT原则是保守性原则。但是,对于非劣和等效试验,ITT并不保守,所以此时一般采用PPS作为主分析集。
  • 不管受试者实际上是否依从预期的治疗,都应该纳入分析。例如,某受试者服用试验药物期间又服用了方案中不允许的其他药物、或中途退出、或出现了方案偏离等,这些受试者不应该随意剔除,根据ITT原则,应该纳入分析。

可见ITT原则的核心是尽量保留随机后的受试者纳入最后的分析数据集进行分析,而且是按照原计划的入组来分析。为什么这么做?ITT原则按照原计划执行分析,主要是考虑到试验组和对照组保持平衡。如果按照实际的情况来分析,可能会打破随机化保持的平衡。实际场景中,在有些情况下譬如有受试者随机后发现其不符合入选标准或有些受试者随机后没有接受服用任何药物,这样的受试者经过讨论可以剔除,这也就是对ITT原则进行调整,形成了Modified ITT数据集。




  • 案例1

In a placebo controlled trial, consenting participants were assigned the next available study ID and corresponding treatment allocation from the randomisation schedule and issued a bottle pre-labelled with their study ID that contained either active or inactive capsules, as appropriate. A participant assigned study ID 3113 was mistakenly given the bottle labelled 3133. The error was discovered several weeks after treatment had commenced, when a new participant was assigned study ID 3133 and the corresponding bottle could not be located. A staff member attempted to fix the error by giving the second participant the bottle labelled 3113. Unfortunately, the affected study IDs were associated with different treatment allocations and the switching of study IDs made the problem worse, since both participants received the incorrect treatment. Such crossover between treatment groups is problematic, as it can reduce the estimated treatment effect under an ITT analysis.2 Had the staff member reported the error when it was discovered, a new bottle containing capsules from the correct treatment group could have been prepared for the second participant, and only the first participant would have received the incorrect treatment.

  • 案例2

In a blinded trial employing stratified randomisation with randomly permuted blocks, a participant belonging to stratum A was incorrectly assigned the next available study ID (8014) and corresponding treatment group from stratum B. Before the participant received any treatment, a staff member reported the error and requested the incorrect randomisation be undone by releasing study ID 8014 to be reassigned to the next participant belonging to stratum B, allowing the affected participant to be re-randomised correctly in stratum A. By the time this request was received by the coordinating centre, another participant had been randomised in stratum B. This raised questions about what should be done with study ID 8014 if released as suggested. Reallocating this ID to the next participant randomised in stratum B would cause the randomisations in this stratum to become non-sequential, making the randomisation records difficult to audit. Conversely, skipping study ID 8014 would create a gap in the randomisation schedule, interfering with the blocking and potentially introducing imbalance in the number of participants randomised to each group. In either case, a systematic deviation from the intended randomisation sequence would occur, which was deemed unlikely to introduce bias but could harm trial credibility. Had the trial been open-label, reallocating study ID 8014 would have been even more problematic due to the lack of allocation concealment following the initial randomisation. Fortunately, the trial investigators decided to maintain the initial randomisation for the participant, thus avoiding any further problems due to the initial error.



  • 受试者随机时输入了错误的basline信息导致随机出错(例如,生日时间提供的是年月时间导致年龄信息算错,最终导致baseline信息错误)


  • 随机后的受试者发现不符合入选标准


  • 受试者入错组服错药


  • 受试者多次随机


  1. 如果是多次随机间隔时间不长,多次错误随机和第一次随机采集的baseline信息应该是相同的,此时记录下来多次随机信息,在纳入分析时用第一次的随机信息即可;
  2. 如果多次随机隔了多天,那多次随机采集的baseline信息可能不同,此时记录下来多次的随机信息。第一次随机后的多次随机是错误的随机,情况类似于随机后的受试者发现不符合入选标准。






Yelland LN, Sullivan TR, Voysey M, Lee KJ, Cook JA, Forbes AB. Applying the intention-to-treat principle in practice: Guidance on handling randomisation errors. Clinical Trials 2015; 12(4): 418–423.

Ke CL, Wang JM, Zhang C, Jiang Q, Snapin S. On errors in stratified randomization. Statistics in biopharmaceutical research 2017; 9(2): 225-233.

Yelland LN, Kehan BC, Dent E, Lee KJ, Voysey M, Forbes AB, Cook JA. Prevalence and Reporting of Recruitment, Randomisation and Treatment Errors in Clinical Trials: A Systematic Review. Clinical Trials 2018;15(3):278-285.

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